
Human Resources

As one of the leading companies in the sector, we attach great importance to carrying our values into the future. If you want to work under our brand and provide services that will add value to the sector with the quality of HB Örme Tekstil, you can fill in the form below and send it to us. Feedback will be provided as soon as possible.

Personal Information

Please fill in all fields completely and correctly !
Full Name
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Email Address
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Phone Number
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • - Select Province -
  • 01 Adana
  • 02 Adıyaman
  • 03 Afyon
  • 04 Ağrı
  • 05 Amasya
  • 06 Ankara
  • 07 Antalya
  • 08 Artvin
  • 09 Aydın
  • 10 Balıkesir
  • 11 Bilecik
  • 12 Bingöl
  • 13 Bitlis
  • 14 Bolu
  • 15 Burdur
  • 16 Bursa
  • 17 Çanakkale
  • 18 Çankırı
  • 19 Çorum
  • 20 Denizli
  • 21 Diyarbakır
  • 22 Edirne
  • 23 Elazığ
  • 24 Erzincan
  • 25 Erzurum
  • 26 Eskişehir
  • 27 Gaziantep
  • 28 Giresun
  • 29 Gümüşhane
  • 30 Hakkari
  • 31 Hatay
  • 32 Isparta
  • 33 İçel
  • 34 İstanbul
  • 35 İzmir
  • 36 Kars
  • 37 Kastamonu
  • 38 Kayseri
  • 39 Kırklareli
  • 40 Kırşehir
  • 41 Kocaeli
  • 42 Konya
  • 43 Kütahya
  • 44 Malatya
  • 45 Manisa
  • 46 Kahramanmaraş
  • 47 Mardin
  • 48 Muğla
  • 49 Muş
  • 50 Nevşehir
  • 51 Niğde
  • 52 Ordu
  • 53 Rize
  • 54 Sakarya
  • 55 Samsun
  • 56 Siirt
  • 57 Sinop
  • 58 Sivas
  • 59 Tekirdağ
  • 60 Tokat
  • 61 Trabzon
  • 62 Tunceli
  • 63 Şanlıurfa
  • 64 Uşak
  • 65 Van
  • 66 Yozgat
  • 67 Zonguldak
  • 68 Aksaray
  • 69 Bayburt
  • 70 Karaman
  • 71 Kırıkkale
  • 72 Batman
  • 73 Şırnak
  • 74 Bartın
  • 75 Ardahan
  • 76 Iğdır
  • 77 Yalova
  • 78 Karabük
  • 79 Kilis
  • 80 Osmaniye
  • 81 Düzce
- Select Province -
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
- District Write-
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • - Select Gender -
  • Man
  • Woman
- Select Gender -
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • Educational Status
  • Graduate
  • Continued
  • Desert
Educational Status
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • Educational Level
  • Elementary School
  • High School
  • Associate Degree
  • Licence
  • Postgraduate
Educational Level
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • Driving Licence
  • Yes
  • No
  • Recently
Driving Licence
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • Military Service
  • All Over
  • Suspended
  • Exempt
Military Service
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • Marital Status
  • Single
  • Married
  • Engaged
Marital Status
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • Health Problem
  • Yes
  • No
Health Problem
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Cause Of Health Problem
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • Disability Status
  • Yes
  • No
Disability Status
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
What is the obstacle problem?
Field is required!
Field is required!

Other Informations

Please fill in all fields completely and correctly !
  • Position / Department
  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • Programmer
  • Marketing
  • Chancellery
Position / Department
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
  • Experience
  • New
  • 1-5 Years
  • 5-10 Years
  • 10 Years +
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Software Information
Make at least one selection.
Field is required!
Field is required!

Knowledge Of Foreign Language (If there is)

Please fill in all fields completely and correctly !
  • - Select -
  • English
  • German
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Russian
- Select -
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • - Select -
  • Başlangıç
  • Orta Derece
  • İyi Derece
  • Çok İyi Derece
- Select -
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • - Select -
  • Beginning
  • Intermediate
  • Good
  • Great
- Select -
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • - Select -
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Good
  • Great
- Select -
Field is required!
Field is required!


Please fill in all fields completely and correctly !
Company Title
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Date Of Recruitment
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Termination Date
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Authorized Person Fullname
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Authorized Person Phone No
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
Salary Expectation
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
İmage Upload ( Required )
- Upload -
Zorunlu alan !
Zorunlu alan !
External Files
- File Upload -
Field is required!
Field is required!

Size en iyi deneyimi sunmak için çerezleri kullanıyoruz. Gizlilik ve Çerez Politikası